Only rich people should do charity work? To what extend do you agree or disagree
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In this day and age, many individuals argued that only the wealthy should do philanthropy. From my viewpoint, I completely do not agree with this perspective for two reasons.

First of all, most people in this world can participate in charitable activities in many ways, not rich people. For instance, students who are usually doing charity work by giving old books, clothes, or a small amount of money to the poor and the homeless out there. The students can give the things they have and do anything they can to help other overcome obstacles. It demonstrated that not just the rich should do charity activities but everyone should be a giver to make this earth happy and meaningful.

Secondly, everyone should do charity work since it can bring various benefits in life. To illustrate, people who give and help others in need might tend to feel more satisfied and happier. What is more, donors might realize that there are still many people who are less fortunate in life than them. Consequently, people can understand and cherish their life to live more meaningful because when giving to others, they would receive respect and be inspired by some touching stories of indeed people.

On the other hand, It is supposed that usual people should not take part in humanitarian contributions due to their condition and finance. That might be true but it is not necessary to donate a large amount of money or other material. Everyone can be a volunteer, a donor, or a giver; any individual could give the things they have to help in-need people. In particular, just a few old clothes, books or a little bit of money can be precious presents for someone. Therefore, no matter how rich they are, just need a kind heart to help others.

To sum up, It was supposed that only affluent people should do charitable work these days. In my perspective, I firmly do not have the same view. I believe that everyone should do philanthropy because of its benefits.

#volunteer #essay #charity

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In this day and age, many individuals argued that only the wealthy should do philanthropy. From my viewpoint, I completely do not agree with this perspective for two reasons.

First of all, most people in this world can participate in charitable activities in many ways, not rich people(only). For instance, students who are usually doing charity work by giving old books, clothes, or a small amount of money to the poor and the homeless out there. The students can give the things they have and do anything they can to help other overcome obstacles. ItThis demonstrated that not just the rich should do charity activities but everyone should be a giver to make this earth happy and meaningful.

Secondly, everyone should do charity work since it can bring various benefits in life. To illustrate, people who give and help others in need might tend to feel more satisfied and happier. What is more, donors might realize that there are still many people who are less fortunate in life than them. Consequently, people can understand and cherish their life to live more meaningful because when giving to others, they would receive respect and be inspired by some touching stories of indeed people.

On the other hand, It is supposed that usual (?) people should not take part in humanitarian contributions due to their condition and finance. That might be true but it is not necessary to donate a large amount of money or other material. Everyone can be a volunteer, a donor, or a giver; any individual could give the things they have to help in-need people(people in need would sound better). In particular, just a few old clothes, books or a little bit of money can be precious presents for someone. Therefore, no matter how rich they are, just need a kind heart to help others.

To sum up, It was supposed that only affluent people should do charitable work these days. In my perspective, I firmly do not have the same view. I believe that everyone should do philanthropy because of its benefits.

Mình thấy bài viết của bạn cũng hay nhưng có đôi chỗ hơi dài dòng. Bài có sử dụng từ vựng đa dạng nhưng tống thể thì mình thấy bài này hơi bị lòng vòng, chưa toát lên được ý một cách rõ nét.
Đây là ý kiến riêng của mình và cũng là lần đầu mình chữa bài. Bài này hay!


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Vâng, thật hay là đây cũng là bài đầu tiên của mình ở đây, và mình cảm ơn ý nhận xét hữu ích của bạn nhiều. Mình mới tập viết essay nên còn vấp nhiều nên cần những lời nhận xét như bạn cũng như mọi người ở đây lắm ạ!!

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