writing task 1: The chart below shows the percentage of male and female teachers in six different types of educational setting in the UK in 2010
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The percentages of male and female teachers in UK 2010 education are so diversified. According to the chart, in the very fist type - nursery, for children fo=rom 3 to 5 years old- the female teachers absolutely dominate in number. Move on the next level of education - primary school - the gap between two genders is a little bit shortened, but it's still very big: women are 11.5 times more than men. In secondary school, the difference between men and women is significantly decreased and the percentage of two gender is 50-50  in the college. Private training institute is the first type that men are more than women, with a relatively small distance. But when we look at the university, the percentage of men is increased result in the big gap between two genders: men are 2 times more than women. Generally, for the first types of education, which for junior students, the female teachers are more than men, when we consider to senior education types, men tend to dominate women gradually, though
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nhiều lỗi ngữ pháp, từ vựng, ko đi đúng cấu trúc writting task 1. Cần học lại cấu trúc bài viết
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