In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might this be the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?
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In many nations, it is believed that a private home plays a vital role in people's lives, therefore, residents lean to possess such dwell rather than leasing one. In my opinion, this trend stems from people's own nature and financial perspective. It also brings more benefits than drawbacks.

 It is undeniable that having a private settlement is an instinct element of individuals getting from forefathers due to the fact that over thousands of years, our ancestors who might have to find and build fixed secure habitation. For example, caves and tents were considered as homes where our forefathers could protect their family members and themselves from potential dangers including poisonous reptiles and beasts. Nowadays, people desire to be ownership of a home in which parents and offspring, even grandparents are provided basic convenient facilities such as living room, bedroom, and bathroom and all members could gather in the arms of lovers. In terms of financial view, homeowners could save a large amount of money from mortgages on a monthly basis and deposit, which means they would allocate it for other purposes, especially recreational activities, investment in children's education.

Meanwhile, there is a number of issues that renters who do not afford to buy a flat or an apartment including not only mortgages mentioned above but also other expenses for repairing small damages from facilities or even the sanitary system now that landlords tend to embrace these outlays in the leasing contract. Besides, lessors also require tenants to leave some money as a deposit which avoids them breaking the contract as well as renters usually pay more expensive price for the usage of water and electricity. As a result, instead of spending the great sum of money for dwell renting, they could make use of this round sum on learning to gain more certificates which pave the way for their career with better incoming or even purchasing a flat on the installment plan.

In conclusion, it seems to me that owning a home is considered as the nature of people and the financial angle and this phenomenon has more pros than cons.
25 points

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In many nations, it is believed that a private home plays a vital role in people's lives, therefore, residents lean to possess such dwell rather than leasing one. In my opinion, this trend stems from people's nature and financial perspective. It also brings more benefits than drawbacks.


 It is undeniable that having a private settlement is an instinct element of individuals getting from forefathers because over thousands of years, our ancestors who might have to find and build fixed secure habitation. For example, caves and tents were considered as homes where our forefathers could protect their family members and themselves from potential dangers including poisonous reptiles and beasts. Nowadays, people desire to be ownership of a home in which parents and offspring, even grandparents are provided basic convenient facilities such as living room, bedroom, and bathroom and all members could gather in the arms of lovers. In terms of financial view, homeowners could save a large amount of money from mortgages every month and deposit, which means they would allocate it for other purposes, especially recreational activities, investment in children's education.


Meanwhile, there are several issues that renters who do not afford to buy a flat or an apartment including not only mortgages mentioned above but also other expenses for repairing small damages from facilities or even the sanitary system now that landlords tend to embrace these outlays in the leasing contract. Besides, lessors also require tenants to leave some money as a deposit which avoids them breaking the contract as well as renters usually pay more expensive price for the usage of water and electricity. As a result, instead of spending the great sum of money for dwell renting, they could make use of this round sum on learning to gain more certificates which pave the way for their career with better incoming or even purchasing a flat on the installment plan.
In conclusion, it seems to me that owning a home is considered as the nature of people and the financial angle and this phenomenon has more pros than cons

19 points

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