In some countries young people are encourage to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies
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In some countries young people are encourage to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantage and disadvantages for young people who decided to do this?

A gap year in some countries to work or travel is a decision for young adults who have been completed the high school program. Although this brings many benefits, the decision has several drawbacks.

At the outset, the great advantage of taking a gap year before the freshman year at a university is that gappers would gain valuable experiences, and acquire practical knowledge which has not had in books. Secondly, what make a gap year stand out is that it is a welcome break for many students which enables them to return the classroom with renewed vigor and focus. Ultimately, this might be beneficial for those who spend the 365 days between high school and college on working for organizations because they will have a shinier resume which would open up better educational opportunities for the years to come.

Although a gap year between finishing high school and beginning university courses has many advantages, there still exist some noteworthy disadvantages. Firstly, spending a year on travelling would cost a significant amount of money. As a result, young students would face with the financial burden after the vacation. Another disadvantage of taking a year off is the potential to waste amount of time. By not planning carefully many people find weeks and months passing by before they can even step onto that first plane. Additionally, gappers would find difficult to start in student life again after a gap year because the daily routine has changed.

In conclusion, taking a year off is a considerable encouragement to those before starting university studies, but there are advantages and disadvantages of a gap year.    


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Dear marioshop,

I have some comments for your essay

1. There is a variety of vocabulary

2. Sometimes, long sentences make reader dificult to undrstand. "At the outset, the great advantage of taking a gap year before the freshman year at a university is that gappers would gain valuable experiences, and acquire practical knowledge which has not had in books"

3. In the 3rd paragraph, I think "Fristly..." and then ""Á a result" --> The structure ís not clear enough to pursue the reader follow your ideas in this part.

Thanks dear.

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15 points

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