"Beside a lot of advantages, some people believe taht the Internet creates many problems."
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Em án nhầm và không thể quay lại được :'(  cho em xin phé đăng bài dưới này:

The world is witnessing the phenomenon spread of the internet. Although there are some claims aganist it, the internet is an evolutionary remark of modern society. Clearly, the merit of the internet outweighs its downsides.

The internet makes the world seem like a small village. The main reason is that people in almost every part of the world are connected on various social platforms. By exchanging emails, face-timing via skype, as well as using facebook, a person can contact a friend across the globe with little difficulty. In fact, distant commuication have nener been made this easy if looking back to the time when seding letters is the only method to keep in touch.

People have been regarding the internet as a limitless and rich sorce of information. Due to the fact that it is a giant data storage, many people people can easily gain access to information and douments needed for individual's purposes. For example, students can conduct resesrch or find academic materials so as to accomplish study performances.

In addition, the internet promotes self-improvement. It can be said that it is helping its users, especially young ones to overcome psychlological problems. This may include social anxieties or even depressions. Basically, a virtual space is created so that youngsters can find peer support, useful advices from the peole sharing similar experience. People, as a result may feel less isolated and more positive.

To summarise, despite some undeniable downsides, the internet remains a innovation of today's world. Therefore, it shoud not be problematic as long as people stay aware of the disavantages it nay have.  

Mong moi người có thẻ giúp em (cos thể dự đoạn band thì càng tốt ạ ). EM cảm ơn mọi người!
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